Publicado por : Kuro Neko
febrero 13, 2010
Gracias a comunicado oficial de Capcom nos enteramos que la fecha de lanzamiento para este esperado titulo sera el 1 de Marzo del presente año, con un costo de 1000 Nintendo Points. Sumado a eso dejan otro comunicado donde explican el funcionamiento de las diferentes armas que podremos conseguir en el juego.
Commando BombAfter launching the Commando Bomb, press up or down on the + Control Pad to make it turn at a 90 degree angle. The blast spreads horizontally (or vertically) and follows the contours of the landscape. This can be used to break through certain walls to get hidden items!Wheel CutterPress the Attack Button once to attach the Wheel Cutter to your arm, and press the Attack Button again to launch it (it follows the contours of the landscape). You can launch it 3 times and it’s effective to attack enemies at a distance. You can attach the Wheel Cutter to your arm and dart at enemies!Triple Blade
You can fire tri-directional blades and attack multiple enemies at one time. There are two patterns: surface-to-air on the ground, and air-to-surface in mid-jump.Thunder WoolYou can launch a thunder cloud that slowly rises and a lighting bolt shoots straight down from the cloud.Solar BlazeSplits apart and launches firebombs (left and right) after a set period of time. Effective when you are pinned between two enemies.Chill SpikeLaunch a freezing liquid which flies in a parabolic trajectory. An enemy hit by the freezing liquid will freeze and become unable to move.Rebound StrikerYou can throw a rubber super ball straight and diagonally up or down. As it gets faster and stronger with each successive bound, you can build up power and hit the target to inflict maximum damage!Water ShieldA rotating shield of water surrounds Mega Man. Pressing the Attack Button once more deactivates the water shield and hurls high-speed drops of water that spiral outward.Brand new “Mega Man Challenges” mode is back!The “Mega Man Challenges” mode from MM9 has been upgraded! The Mega Man Challenges allows you to practice in stages by clearing various challenges and gives novice players a chance to master the basic controls before attempting the main story mode!Whether you are a novice or an expert, you can brush-up on your game and polish it to perfection!Comparison between Easy Mode and Normal Mode!Easy Mode is featured for people who gave up on MM9 or have not played an action game for a long time. In addition, this would be a perfect mode for people who aren’t used to traditional Mega Man difficulty and need a little assistance.