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Publicado por : Oscar Rey abril 02, 2014

Hoy se ha lanzado una actualización la cual soluciona un bug al terminar el nivel 3-3 que impedía que se habilitara el camino hacia el mundo 3-4, dando como resultado que la partida quedara averiada forzando a reiniciar por completo el juego. A continuación el comunicado oficial:
A software update is now available that fixes a specific error. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.
Please start the game while your Wii U console is connected to the Internet to update the software. The software version after this update will be 1.1.0, as shown in the image below.
Update contentsFixes an issue where, upon completing level 3-3 – Frantic Fields, the path to level 3-4 – Scorch 'n' Torch would not open up, preventing players from proceeding with the game
If you have encountered this issue, downloading this update will allow you to continue with the game as normal.

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