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- La tecnologia Wii fue ofrecida a Microsoft, pero la rechazaron.
Publicado por : Marlon Esteban Escalante
noviembre 15, 2012
Tom Quinn, fundador de Gyrations y dueña de la patente del movimiento basado en giroscopio, ha confesado que antes que Nintendo, le ofrecio la tecnologia en la cual se basa el Wii a Microsoft, aún así no vieron potencial en ello y pensaron que podrían hacer un mejor trabajo por su cuenta. Así Tom, luego se dirigió a Nintendo, donde cedió, " Derecho exclusivo sobre una aplicación de sensores inerciales en un producto que detecta movimientos angulares humanos (sensor de movimiento), con el objetivo de controlar gráficos o un cursor en una pantalla "
Aquí está exactamente lo que Tom Quinn comentá:
“Through my business connections, the first games person I got in touch with was [current Microsoft CEO] Steve Ballmer. I pitched this motion control device to him and he loved it. He set me up with the Xbox team in Redmond [Washington] for a second pitch and I remember how incredibly excited I was about it. Things were happening so fast.“But the meeting went terribly. The attitude I got from them was that if they wanted to do motion control, they would do it themselves and make a better job of it. I mean, they were just rude. In fact, the meeting went so terribly that one of the executives came over to me afterwards and apologised on behalf of others. I remember him saying how this was not how Microsoft should be engaging with potential partners.”